Tuesday 28 October 2008

Belly dancing

I haven’t done it in a while and I miss it. I must find the time. Because I LOVE belly dancing! It’s hard, and at times frustrating, but it’s beautiful and so, so worth it when your body finally gets that move (like the camel, difficult one!). Or when a song really inspires you and you find yourself just dancing to the rhythm, improvising without thinking, just dancing. Belly dancing.
I love telling people that I do it, as well, because most of the time I have to explain that belly dancing was traditionally a dance by women for women and men were not allowed to watch, despite what most believe in the Western world. So belly dancing has also been the door to learning and understanding about other cultures. But it’s mainly a way to make me happy.

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Learning things

I always say that if I were rich, so rich that I didn’t have to work, I’d be a perennial student. Not one of those that enjoys student life so much, they keep on failing every subject just so they can enjoy University life a bit longer. No. But there are so many things I am interested in and want to learn about that I could spend my whole life doing different Masters, or Postgraduate courses, or even a couple of other degrees. I love being in a class environment as well, getting new information, taking notes, having philosophical discussions with others. In a way, it’s easier than real life, despite the homework.

At the moment, I’d like to take some kind of postgraduate course on:

Creative Writing


Fine Arts


Multiculturality and Development

International Rights

Promoting Literacy

Women’s Studies

South American Studies

Since I am not that rich, I settled long ago for evening classes. In the last couple of years, I have taken lots of classes, some of them are:

South America Today

From words to images (about books being made into films)

English Language Teaching for beginners

Jewellery making

Styling for fashion magazines

It’s crazy, it’s stressful…but I love it!

Sunday 5 October 2008

Big breakfast, LOTS of coffee, the paper, my notebook. My boyfriend and me. Lazy mornings!